Shorea parvifolia Dyer, Fl. Br. Ind. 1 (1874)
Latin for 'small leaves'.
Shorea gentilis Parijs
Shorea scutulata King
Upper canopy tree up to 49 m tall and 104 cm dbh. Stem with resin. Stipules
up to ca. 12 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, with or without
domatia at basal secondary veins. Flowers ca. 9 mm in diameter,
white-yellow-red, plaved in panicles. Fruits ca. 10 mm long, green-pink, with
three ca. 57 mm long wings, wind dispersed.
Large tree. Young twig, panicle, leaf bud, stipule,
petiole and midrib above shortly evenly persistently
pale brown pubescent or glabrous, otherwise glabrous.
Twig c. 2 mm apically, terete, much
branched, becoming glabrous, smooth; stipule scars
short, inconspicuous. Bud 4-7 by 3-5 mm, ovoid,
compressed, obtuse. Stipule to 12 by 4 mm, oblong to
ovate, obtuse. Leaves 5-9 by 2.5-5 cm. broadly ovate,
thinly coriaceous, base obtuse or cordate with occasionally
a pair of large pale scale-like domatia:
acumen to 1 cm long, margin slightly revolute; nerves
10-13 pairs, slightly curved, slender, hardly elevated
beneath; tertiary nerves slender, closely scalariform
diagonal to nerves, midrib narrow and depressed
above; petiole 1-1.5 cm long. Panicle to 12 cm long,
terminal or axillary, slender, terete or slightly compressed;
regularly singly, rarely doubly, branched,
branchlets short, compact, bearing to 8 +/- secund
flowers; bracteoles to 6 by 3 mm, elliptic-oblong,
obtuse, shortly sparsely pale buff pubescent. Bud to 7
by 5 mm. broadly ovoid to subglobose, obtuse. Calyx
densely pubescent outside, glabrous within; 3 outer
lobes deltoid-ovate; 2 inner lobes smaller, broad
ovate, acute, thin at base. Petals cream suffused with
pink at base, oblong, obtuse, shortly pubescent on
parts exposed in bud. Stamens 15, of 3 lengths, the 5
inner about twice length of others; filaments tapering
gradually; anther subglobose; appendage to connective
short, slender, becoming reflexed. Ovary and
stylopodium ovoid to conical, densely pubescent
except at base; style shorter than ovary, glabrous.
Fruit calyx shortly sparsely pale brown pubescent; 3
longer lobes to 9 by 1.5 cm, thin, spatulate, obtuse, c. 4
mm broad above the c. 5.5 by 5 mm elliptic thickened
saccate base; 2 shorter lobes to 3.5 by 0.2 cm. linear,
subequal, similarly saccate at base. Nut to 14 by 7 mm,
ovoid, shortly buff pubescent, style remnant c. 2.5 mm
long, tapering, acute. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 1100 m altitude. On alluvial
(swamps and riversides) and dry (hillsides and ridges) sites with clayey to
sandy soils.
The timber is used.
Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Awang belah, Dangar burau, Dangar siak, Kontoi, Kontoi Burong, Lampong,
Lampung beras, Lampung nasi, Lampung tembaga, Lentang kareket, Merangan,
Merangan nasi, Meranti ijok, Meranti lop, Meranti samak, Meranti sarang punai,
Meranti umbut, Perawan, Perawan lop, Ponga behaya, Ponga payur, Ponga pipit,
Rotang bari, Rotang bayo, Rotang lawah, Sawang puteh, Seraya punai, Tongga rumut.
Malaysia: Meranti sarang punai, Meranti bunga, Meranti samak, Meranti daun halus,
Meranti choh, Meranti lemesa bung.
Sumatra: Meranti sabut, Meranti kapala tupai, Tambong sawa.