Shorea lamellata Foxw., Mal. For. Rec. 10 (1932)
Latin for 'with scales'.
Emergent trees up to 56 m tall and 129 cm dbh. Stems with resin. Stipules
small. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, petiole and lower surface with
scales, feeling like sand-paper, secondary veins close together. Flowers ca. 16
mm in diameter, white-yellow, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 10 mm long, green,
with three ca. 56 mm long wings, wind dispersed.
Large tree. Twig, leaf buds, stipule outside, panicles,
calyx, parts of petals exposed in bud, ovary and
nut unevenly scabrid; becoming sparse, scabrous, on fruit calyx, stipule
within, petiole and leaf nervation beneath. Twig 2-3
mm diameter apically, terete, becoming smooth. Leaf bud to
7 by 4 mm, ovoid-falcate, acute. Leaves (6.5-)10-15
by (3.5-)4-8 cm, elliptic-oblong to ovate, occasionally
obovate, +/- thinly coriaceous; base obtuse to shallowly
caudate; acumen to 7 mm long, short, +/- abrupt;
nerves 19-25 pairs, very slender but +/- prominent
beneath, applanate above, arched, at 65 -70 degrees; tertiary
nerves densely scalariform, very slender but evident
and slightly elevated beneath; midrib slender but
prominent beneath, obscure and depressed above;
petiole 16-22 mm long, slender. Panicle to 14 cm long,
slender, terminal or axillary, lax; singly branched,
branchlets to 4 cm long, bearing to 3 secund flowers.
Flower buds to 10 by 5 mm, ellipsoid; sepals narrowly
ovoid, acuminate, somewhat unequal; petals white;
stamens 15, shorter than style at anthesis; filaments
very long and slender, with scabrous apices,
2 times length of anthers. Ovary small, ovoid, puberulent,
tapering imperceptibly into a tapering puberulent
stylopodium twice its length and long filiform
glabrous style thrice its length. Fruit pedicel c. 2 mm
long and diameter, base of fruit obtuse, 3 longer calyx lobes to
18 by 1.5 cm, spatulate, obtuse, c. 7 mm broad above
the 11 by 10 mm elliptic saccate thickened base; 2
shorter lobes to 7 by 0.5 cm, lorate, subacute, similar
at base. Nut to 14 by 10 mm, ovoid, prominently
apiculate. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to ca. 650 m altitude. Found on
alluvial as well as dry sites (hillside and ridges) on sandy to clayey soils,
also on limestone.
The timber is used.
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Buniau, Kebaong, Damar mata kuching, Pakit, Tunam, Tunen.
Malaysia: Meranti lapis.