Shorea guiso (Blanco) Bl., Mus. Botl Lugd. Bat. 2 (1852)
Named after a Philippine local name for this species (Giso).
Anisoptera guiso DC
Dipterocarpus guiso Blanco
Euphoria malaanonan Blanco
Isoptera burckii Boerl.
Mocanera guiso Blanco
Shorea longipetala Foxw.
Shorea obtusa var. kohchangensis Heim
Shorea pierrei Hance
Shorea robusta var. schmidtii Heim
Shorea vidaliana Brandis
Shorea vulgaris Pierre ex Lanessan
Emergent tree up to 73 m tall and 112 cm dbh. Stem with resin. Stipules up
to ca. 7 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, glabrous, secondary
veins close together. Flowers ca. 10 mm in diameter, yellow-red, placed in
panicles. Fruits ca. 8 mm long, green-red, with three ca. 55 mm long wings, wind
Large buttressed tree. Young parts at first greyish
buff pubescent, early caducous except on inflorescence,
calyx, corolla outside, ovary and nut; twig
apices and stipule outside densely so at first, becoming
sparse as parts expand, remaining dense on inflorescence
and nut. Twig. c. 1 mm diameter apically. slender,
smooth, with minute inconspicuous stipule scars. Bud
to 5 by 3 mm, compressed, ovate-falcate. Stipule to 7
by 5 mm, oblong, subacute, caducous. Leaves 5.5-14
by 2.5-6 cm, oblong-lanceolate, thinly coriaceous,
glabrescent; base obtuse to broadly cuneate, acumen
to 1 cm long, prominent, broad; nerves (11-)15-19
pairs, slender, at 45-55 degrees to the midrib but up to 90 degrees at
the base; tertiary nerves very slender, densely scalariform,
frequently obscure; midrib slender, raised
beneath, evident but somewhat depressed above;
petiole 1-1.8 cm long, slender. Panicle to 10 cm long,
slender, lax, pendent, the branchlets bearing to 5
secund flowers; bracts and bracteoles minute, linear,
fugaceous. Flower bud to 1 cm long, slender. Sepals
broadly ovate; outer 3 acute, inner 2 acuminate, with
thin margins. Petals bright yellow-red at base within,
narrowly lanceolate, densely pubescent on parts
exposed in bud. Stamens 20-28; filaments lorate,
tapering, glabrous; anthers narrowly oblong, glabrous,
the two outer cells somewhat the larger;
appendage c. 0.5 as long as anther, with 1-4(-8) long
bristles. Ovary ovoid-conical, densely pubescent, surmounted
by a columnar glabrous style c. 0.5 its length, 3
longer fruit calyx lobes to 5.5 by 1 cm, spatulate,
obtuse, c. 3 mm broad above the to 8 by 5 mm saccate
thickened base; 2 shorter lobes to 3 cm long, linear but
similar at base. Nut to 8 by 5 mm, ovoid, apiculate,
hidden by base of calyx lobes. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed forests up to 400 m altitude. Usually on ridges with sandy and
limestone soils. Scattered in lowland forest on red soils, most
common in slightly seasonal climates.
The timber is used. The hard red timber is valuable for light
construction in the Philippines.
Indo-China, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines.
Local names
Borneo: Ambam, Damar kenuar batu, Hibi, Keping burung, Lauan, Lempong, Majau,
Membatu, Menkabang, Oba suluk, Pakulin batu, Pelapak, Raru, Selangan batu,
Selangan batu merah.
Malaysia: Membatu, Merbatu, Lemesa, Lemesa kulor, Lemesa nerang, Chengal pasir, Meranti bulu,
Meranti pahang, Resak samak, Selimbar.
Philippines: Guijo.
Sumatra: Beraja, Damar kenuar batu, Meranti hitam.