Hopea beccariana Burck, Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. 6 (1887)

Named after O. Beccari [1843-1920], an Italian botanist.

Balanocarpus ovalifolius Ridl.
Hancea beccariana Pierre
Hopea intermedia King
Hopea nicholsonii Heim
Hopea pierrei (non Hance) Ridl.

Upper canopy tree up to 46 m tall and 79 cm dbh. Stem with resin. Stipules up to ca. 2.5 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, with inconspicuous secondary venation close together, domatia often present. Flowers ca. 4 mm in diameter, white-yellow, placed in small panicles. Fruits ca. 9 mm long, green-red, with two up to ca. 35 mm long wings, wind dispersed.

Large, smooth or fissure-barked buttressed tree. Young twig, bud and petiole waxy glaucescent. Twig to 1 mm diameter apically. slender, terete, smooth. Bud to 2 by 1 mm, ovoid. Stipule to 2.5 mm long, linear, fugaceous. Leaves 5-8 by 2.2-4.5 cm, ovate, thinly coriaceous; base cuneate, frequently subequal; acumen to 1.5 cm long, caudate; margin not revolute; nerves c. 8 pairs, indistinct, dryobalanoid; main secondaries almost reaching margin; tertiary nerves reticulate, indistinct; midrib slender, slightly raised on both surfaces; petiole 1.2-1.7 cm long, slender. Panicle to 7 cm long, axillary (rarely terminal), terete, puberulent or glabrous; singly branched, branchlets bearing to 5 secund cream flowers; bracteoles small, linear, fugaceous. Flower bud small, ellipsoid. Calyx shortly pubescent outside, glabrous within; 2 outer lobes ovate-acuminate. 3 inner lobes ovate to suborbicular, obtuse or subacute. Petals linear, densely pubescent on parts exposed in bud. Stamens 15; filaments slender, tapering; anthers broadly oblong; appendage to connective about twice as long as anther, slender. Ovary and stylopodium hour-glass-shaped, puberulent towards the apex, tapering into the short glabrous style. Fruit calyx glabrous; 2 longer lobes to 3.5 by 1 cm, obtuse, to 2 mm broad above to 4 by 3.5 mm ovate saccate slightly thickened base, twisted; 3 shorter lobes to 7 mm long, acute, similar at base. Nut to 9 by 5 mm, broadly ovoid, glabrous; style remnant to 1 mm long. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 1200 m altitude. Growing on hillsides and ridges with rocky to sandy-clayey soils.

Timber is used.

Peninuslar Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.

Local names
Borneo: Bangkirai, Belang kemai, Chengai pasir (Iban), Garang buaya daun kecil, Nuas njarakat hitam, Selangan, Selangan besi, Selangan batu, Selangan hijau, Selangan penak, Temang besi.
Malaysia: Merawan batu, Merawan jangkang, Merawan penak.