Cotylelobium melanoxylon (hook.f.) Pierre, Fl. For. Coch. 3 (1889)

Latin for 'dark wood'.

Anisoptera melanoxylon Hook.f.
Cotylelobium beccarianum Heim
Cotylelobium beccarii Pierre
Cotylelobium harmandii Heim
Cotylelobium leucocarpum Sloot.
Sunaptea melanoxylon (Hook.f.) Kosterm.
Vatica beccariana Heim
Vatica harmandii Heim
Vatica leucocarpa Foxw. ex Den Berger & Endert
Vatica melanoxylon Benth. & Hook.f. ex Miq.
Vatica melanoxylon var. recta Benth. & Hook.f.

Emergent tree up to 52 m tall and 72 cm dbh. Stem with resin. Stipules ca. 3 mm long. Twigs more or less smooth. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, venation inconspicuous and fine, lower surface mostly very light to almost whitish. Flowers ca. 13 mm in diameter, white, placed in small panicles. Fruits ca. 10 mm long, yellow-green to reddish, nut with 2 wings up to 60 mm long, wind dispersed.

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp and keranga forests with poor soils, up to 400 m altitude. Mostly on hillsides and ridges, but also quite common along rivers and in valleys. Mostly on rocky to sandy soils. In secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant tree.

Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West- and East-Kalimantan).

Local names
Borneo: Resak, Resak batu, Resak bukit, Resak bunga, Resak damar hitam, Resak hitam, Resak keranji, Resak mentotok, Resak padi, Resak tembaga, Resak tempurong.