Ellipanthus tomentosus Kurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 41. ii (1872)
Latin for 'short wooly hairy'.
Connarus monophyllus Wall. [Invalid]
Connarus urdanetensis Elm.
Ellipanthus burebidensis Elm.
Ellipanthus calophyllus (non Kurz) F.-Vill.
Ellipanthus cinereus Pierre
Ellipanthus curtisii King
Ellipanthus helferi Hook.f.
Ellipanthus gibbosus King
Ellipanthus griffithii Hook.f.
Ellipanthus helferi Kurz
Ellipanthus kingii Boerl. & Koord.
Ellipanthus longifolius Merr.
Ellipanthus luzoniensis Vidal
Ellipanthus mindanaensis Merr.
Ellipanthus monophyllus Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. [Invalid]
Ellipanthus monophyllus var. griffithii O.K.
Ellipanthus neglectus Gamble
Ellipanthus sarawakensis Schellenb.
Ellipanthus subrufus Pierre
Ellipanthus tomentosus var. gibbosus (King) Leenh.
Ellipanthus tomentosus var. luzoniensis (King) Leenh.
Ellipanthus urdanetensis Merr.
Ellipanthus vidalii Elm.
Tree up to 30 m tall and 60 cm dbh. Twigs usually hairy. Leaves
alternate, simple, penni-veined, base usually slightly peltate. Flowers ca. 3 mm
in diameter, white-yellowish, usually 5-merous and bisexual, placed in axillary
bundles. Fruits ca. 28 mm long, green-brown, pod, seeds with aril.
Shrubs or small to medium-sized trees, up to 25-30 m by 50-60 cm. Branchlets fulvous-tomentose,
at least when young. Petioles 0.5-3 cm long, slender, articulated near the leaf-base, tomentose,
glabrescent. Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, sometimes obovate, 7-22(-33) by 3-9 cm, papyraceous
to coriaceous, tomentose on the midrib above, beneath glabrous to thinly tomentose on the whole
surface; base acute, rounded, or subcordate, sometimes slightly peltate; apex tapering to rather
abruptly, blunt- to acute-acuminate; nerves 5-10(-12) pairs, patent to nearly transverse,
distinctly looped and joined or not. Inflorescences axillary or ramiflorous, paniculate to
glomerulous, up to c. 2.5 cm long, many- to few-flowered, always densely pilose. Flowers bisexual
(always?), protandrous, (4-)5(-6)-merous, with strong sweet scent. Sepals ovate to deltoid, blunt
or acute, 1.5-2 mm long,
inside tomentose to glabrous. Petals ovate to linear, blunt, 2-4.5 by 1.3-2.5 mm, outside pilose,
inside minutely tomentose usually with the exception of the base. Stamens glabrous or inside
pubescent, at least the tube, staminodes glabrous; anthers pale yellow. Pistil pale orange,
stigma usually 2-lobed, white. Infructescences not accrescent, usually with few fruits. Fruits
0.5-3 cm stipitate, slightly to c. 135 degrees geniculate on top of the stipe, the fertile part
blunt-triangular to oblique-ovoid, often much flattened, 2-4 by 0.8-1.3 cm, blunt with a style
remnant or short-beaked, the ventral suture straight and smooth or sinuous and tuberculae
either in the middle or near the base. Seed 12-20 by 6-10 mm, often flattened; arilloid minute and
cupular to covering two thirds of the seed and deeply lobed, always adaxially split up to below the
hilum. [from Flora Malesiana]
In mixed dipterocarp, seasonal and peat swamp forests up to 1500 m altitude. Growing on
alluvial and dry sites (hillsides and ridges) on clay to sand soils.
Andaman Islands, Indo-china, Birma, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra,
Java, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes.
Wood is durable.
Local names
Borneo: Kelin, Kilin.
Peninsular Malaysia: Kerantai merah.
Philippines: Alomahgoi, atarukan, banato, (Tag.), dahgalis, (Bag.), pahgaldmag, (Mbo.),
guisik, (Yak.), saling-udk, (Bis.).
Sulawesi: wojo.