Agelaea borneensis (Hook.f.) Merr. Philipp. J. Sci., C 4: 127 (1909)
Named after the island of Borneo.
Agelaea everettii Merr.
Agelaea vestita Hook.f.
Agelaea platyphylla Elmer
Castanola villosa Schellenb.
Cnestis vestita Wall. ex Hook.f.
Erythrostigma villosum Zoll.
Hemiandrina borneensis Hook. f.
Troostwykia singularis Miq.
Liana with compound, trifoliolate leaves. Fruits bright orange-red when ripe, wrinkly. One to several fruits in a short inflorescence.
In lowland dipterocarp forests up to ca. 400 m elevation.
In Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines the tough stems and branches are used for ropes; they are durable in water,
and used in tying rafts and hoop-nets. Agelaea borneensis stems have been holding and supporting the church
bells in Tayabas, Quezon (the Philippines) for at least 200 years. [data taken from PROTA]
Peninsular Thailand and Malaysia, Sumatra, western Java, Borneo, Philippines.
Local names
Akar itam (Indo/Malay), Akar kachang-kachang (Indo/Malay), Akar kankachang (Indo/Malay), Akar rusa-rusa (Indo/Malay),
Akar sebasa itam (Indo/Malay), Akar telur bujok (Pen. Malaysia), Balagum (Bisaya), Kamagsa (Tagalog), Kayu poyoh (Sumatra), Ngaluk (Ibanag).