Reissantia grahamii (Wight) Ding Hou, Blumea 12: 33 (1963)
(Named after 'Graham', but I am not sure which Graham...)
Arnicratea grahamii (Wight) N.Hallé
Hippocratea ellipticarpa Merr.
Hippocratea grahamii Wight
Hippocratea lanceolata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.
Hippocratea megalocarpa Merr.
Hippocratea obtusifolia Graham ex Wight
Hippocratea salacioides Korth.
Hippocratea zippeliana Miq.
Kokoona luzoniensis Merr.
Loeseneriella zippeliana (Miq.) A.C.Sm.
Pristimera grahamii (Wight) A.C.Sm.
Liana. Leaves are opposite, broad-ovate and leathery. Greenish flowers are borne in numerous, large, many-flowered panicles
at the end of branches. Petals are linear to spoon-shape, with blunt tips. Carpels are obovate, obtuse, emarginate.
Present individual was found in Gunung Lumut (Borneo), a limestone mountain range covered by logged and primary forests.
Most specimens come from India (Western Ghats) but ours was from eastern Borneo.
No uses recorded.
Local names
English: Running stragler (English).
India: Daushir, Dhavashi.