Kokoona ochracea (Elm.) Merr., En. Philip. 2 (1923)
Latin for 'ochre yellow'.
Ardisia ochracea Elm.
Upper canopy tree up to 50 m tall and 84 cm dbh. Stipules very small. Leaves
opposite, simple, penni-veined. Flowers ca. 7.3 mm in diameter, yellow-orange,
placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 110 mm long, green-brown, elongate dehiscent
capsules, filled with several wind dispersed, winged seeds.
Tree 25-40(-50) m by 20-40(-84) cm diameter, rarely with
buttresses up to c. 3 m tall.
Leaves subcoriaceous to coriaceous, elliptic- or
ovate-oblong, oblong-lanceolate, or lanceolate,
7.5-13.5 by 3.5-6 cm; base attenuate, obtuse or
rounded; apex acute to acuminate, recurved
downward; margins recurved, entire or repand,
sometimes remotely crenulate; nerves 5-8 pairs,
slightly elevated on both surfaces, obliquely
spreading towards the margin and then upward;
petiole c. 1 cm. Panicles up to 12 cm, solitary or
paired. Peduncle up to 4 cm. Pedicels very short,
sometimes up to c. 2 mm, articulated at the base.
Bracts small, deltoid and acute. Flowers yellowish
to pale brown-orange. Calyx lobes semi-orbicular
or +/- transverse-oblong, 0.5 by 1 mm, slightly
erose. Petals fleshy, ovate rarely elliptic, 3.5-4.5
by 2.5-3 mm, the margin thin and transparent.
Filaments c. 1 mm; anthers including the connective
c. 2.5 by 1 mm, the anther proper subglobose,
cordate at the base, the lengthened connective
stout, c. 1.5 mm long. Pistil conical, c. 1.5 mm,
gradually narrowed upward into the obscure
style; stigma broad-oblong cylindric, c. 0.7 mm
long, slightly 3-lobed or obtuse at the apex.
Ovary with (8-)10 ovules in each cell. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed forests up to 800 m altitude. Found throughout the forest
from alluvial to hillsides and ridges. Occasionally also on limestone.
The bark contains inflammable oil.
Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and the Philippines.
Local names
Borneo: Batubagalang, Kayu api, Kayu gerit, Kayu minyak, Kelaputiung, Sepetir paya, Ubar.