Casuarina equisetifolia L.,
Amoen. Acad. 4 (1759)
Latin for 'leaves like Equisetum (horsetail)'.
Casuarina africana Lour.
Casuarina brunoniana Miq.
Casuarina equisetifolia var. souderi Fosberg
Casuarina excelsa Dehnh. ex Miq.
Casuarina indica Pers.
Casuarina lateriflora Poir.
Casuarina litorea L. ex Fosberg & Sachet
Casuarina littorea Oken
Casuarina littorea var. souderi (Fosberg) Fosberg & Sachet
Casuarina mertensiana Rupr. ex Miq.
Casuarina repens Hoffmanns.
Casuarina truncata Willd.
Mid-canopy trees up to 40 m tall and 100 cm dbh. Twigs needle-shaped with
scale-like leaves, very similar to horsetails in appearance. Inflorescences
catkin-like, female ones developing into cones up to 2.5 cm long, with winged
Mainly found on beaches or near the coast on sandy soils up to 20 m
altitude. Currently often planted more inland as well.
The timber is used for house construction but is also an important charcoal
source. A decoction of the twigs is used as a lotion to soothe swellings. The
powdered bark is used to treat pimples. Often planted for its wood, as erosion
control tree, or as wind break.
India to the Pacific and Australia. In Borneo found throughout the island
near the coast.
Local names
Borneo: Aru, Kayu rhu, Rhu laut.