Calophyllum ferrugineum Ridley, J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 54: 17 (1910)
Species name meaning 'rusty-brown', referring to the colour of the hairs.
Medium-sized tree with a straight bole that reaches to about 25 m. The bark is greyish or yellow-
to green-brown, at times with faint lenticellated fissures and with clear yellow sticky exudate. The
leaf blades are elliptic-oblong with tips that are bluntly acute and broadly wedge-shaped bases.
The leaves are stiff-leathery. A distinctive characteristic is that the number of veins on the upper
surface of leaves appear to be twice that of the lower surface. Flowers are slender-stalked and have
sepals with hairy margins. No petals. The fruits are oval in shape, about 3 cm long. [from The DNA of
In lowland dipterocarp forests, to about 420 m altitude. In can sometimes be found in seasonally
flooded forests.
Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines.