Dacryodes rostrata (Bl.) H.J. Lam, Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. 42 (1932)
Latin for 'beaked'.
Canarium articulatum Engl. ex Koord.
Canarium caudatifolium Merr.
Canarium crassifolium Merr.
Canarium cuspidatum Merr.
Canarium gilvescens Miq.
Canarium kadondon Benn. in Hook.f.
Canarium minahassae Koord.
Canarium montanum Korth. ex Miq.
Canarium reticulatum Ridl.
Canarium rostriferum Miq.
Canarium rostriferum var. cuspidatum Miq.
Dacryodes rostrata forma cuspidata (Blume) H.J.Lam
Dacryodes rostrata forma pallida H.J.Lam
Dacryodes rostrata forma pubescens H.J.Lam
Dacryodes rostrata forma samarensis H.J.Lam
Dracontomelon cuspidatum Bl.
Hemisantiria rostrata H.J. Lam
Santiria montana Bl.
Santiria rostrata Bl.
Santiria samarensis Merr.
Sub-canopy tree up to 35 m tall and 120 cm dbh. Leaves alternate, compound,
penni-veined, petiole base and tip swollen, petiole glabrous, leaf tip strongly
elongated with widening at the tip. Flowers ca. 3 mm in diameter,
yellowish-white, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 26 mm long, yellow-brown, fleshy
Tree, 5-25(-35) m by 20-50(-120) cm, sometimes buttressed. Branchlets 4-10 mm thick,
lenticellate, glabrous; pith with some to many dispersed vascular strands. Leaves 2-8(-10)-jugate,
usually glabrous. Petioles terete or somewhat flattened at base, (3-)6-15(-26) cm, pith usually
with many vascular strands. Leaflets ovate to oblong, 3.5-20 by 1.5-10 cm, rigid, chartaceous,
glabrous or pubescent underneath; intervenium with pitted dots on lower surface base often very
oblique, lower half cuneate, apical half rounded; apex usually abruptly acuminate, acumen up to
2(-4) cm by 1-2 mm, tip slightly broadened, blunt; midrib and nerves prominent beneath, nerves 5-20
pairs (angle 45-70 degrees), strongly curved, geniculate close to the margin, apical ones sometimes
arching. Panicles axillary, together usually pseudoterminal, long-peduncled, 5-35 cm long, densely and
minutely tomentose, glabrescent, branches rarely exceeding 3 cm. Flowers tomentose, 2-4 mm long.
Calyx in male flowers 1-1.5 mm high, in female ones 1.5-2 mm. Petals outside densely tomentose,
inside slightly woolly except at the base. Episepalous stamens usually distinctly longer than the
epipetalous ones, sometimes all adnate to the disk. Disk in 6 flowers more or less cushion-shaped,
in 9 flowers cupular, rim 6-undulate. Pistil in male flowers strongly to nearly entirely reduced.
Infructescences stout, (nearly) glabrous, flower remains long persistent. Fruits ovoid to oblong,
slightly oblique, 1.75-3.5(-4) by 0.75-1.75(-2.25) cm, somewhat contracted at the apex, rounded at the
base. Cotyledons contortuplicate, deeply palmatifid, with c. 1 segments. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 700 m altitude. Found
throughout the forest (but rarely in swamps) on most soil types, including
Timber used for planks and paddy pounders. Resin used for making torches.
The fruits are edible.
Indo-China, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes.
Local names
Bangka: kembajau (or kumbajau, kembajan, kambajan, kemajau, lemajau), mengkelingan, rengas burung,
rengas putih.
Borneo: Ampadu kalui, Kalasu, Kambayan, Karamu, Kedongdong, Kelamok maruk, Kembayan
aier, Kembayan burong, Kembayau, Kembayau lamak, Kembayau teta, Kembayan utan,
Keramuh, Kumabang, Langsat-langsat, Masam, Merading, Merasam, Njihah, Peninasan,
Piramuh, Tindau, Ungit.
Malaysia: dumar bekam, epie, kedondong (krut), mansipot (or mansiput).
Nias: layo.
Philippines: lunai, (Lan.), palaspas, (Bik.), pili-hanai, (C.Bis.); madesi, wuwuk, (Cel. Minahasa).
Simalur: anglip paja.
Sumatra: Asem begomdang, asem duku, babak, batang dantan, kasei, kembajau (or kumbajau, kembajan,
kambajan), kembajau bekuwak, kembajau enggang, kembajau tikus, simalang, sulai(i), tapus.