Dacryodes longifolia (King) H.J. Lam, Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. 42 (1932)
Latin for 'long leaves'.
Curtisina penangensis Ridl.
Dacryodes longifolia var. penangensis (Ridl.) H.J.Lam
Santiria longifolia King
Mid-canopy tree up to 40 m tall. Leaves alternate, compound, penni-veined,
petiole base and tip swollen, petiole glabrous. Flowers ca. 4 mm in diameter,
placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 30 mm long, red, fleshy drupe.
Tree up to 40 m tall. Branchlets 0.5-1 cm thick, lenticellate, glabrous; pith without vascular strands.
Leaves 3-15-jugate, glabrous. Petioles 2.5-18.5 cm, strongly flattened above, pith with one or few
vascular strands. Leaflets ovate to narrowly oblong, 6-30(-42) by 2.5-8 cm, stiff, chartaceous;
base broadly cuneate to rounded; apex tapering, bluntly acuminate; nerves 8-14 pairs (angle
60-65 degrees), curved, apical ones arching. Panicles axillary, up to 12 cm long, glabrous,
branched from the base, branches up to 4 cm long. Flowers 3.5 mm, glabrous. Calyx
1.5 mm. Stamens free or confluent to the disk. Disk cupular with subtruncate rim. Pistil moderately
reduced. Infructescences axillary, pyramidal, 2-15(-23) cm, glabrous, peduncle 0-3.5 cm,
branches stout, up to 9.5 cm. Fruits ovoid, slightly oblique, 1.5-2.75 by 1.25-1.5 cm, style remains
somewhat excentric; wall of the pyrene very thin. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane forests up to 1700 m
altitude. Usually on hillsides and ridges with sandy to peaty soils.
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines.
Local names
Borneo: Penjalin, Rarawa lumut, Seladah.