Dacryodes costata (Benn.) H.J. Lam, Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. 42 (1932)

Latin for 'with clear veins', referring to the venation of the leaves.

Canarium costatum Ridl.
Santiria costata Benn. in Hook.f.

Mid-canopy tree up to 40 m tall and 72 cm dbh. Leaves alternate, compound, penni-veined, conspicuously thickened petiole base and tips, petiole hairy. Flowers ca. 5 mm in diameter, yellowish, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 15 mm long, yellow-orange, fleshy drupe.

Tree 20-30(-40) m by 20-100 cm, rarely with small buttresses. Branchlets c. 0.5 cm thick, minutely pubescent; pith without vascular strands. Leaves (1-)2(-4)-jugate, more or less densely pubescent except the upper surface of the leaflets. Petioles 1-5(-6.5) cm, much flattened at base, pith with few vascular strands. Leaflets broadly elliptic to oblong, 3-16 by 1.5-7.5 cm, rigid, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, underneath more or less woolly pubescent on midrib and nerves, glabrescent; base hardly oblique, broadly cuneate to rounded; apex abruptly, shortly, and bluntly acuminate; nervation prominent beneath, nerves 6-13 pairs (angle c. 60 degrees, at the base up to 90 degrees), strongly curved, not arching except some apical ones. Panicles terminal and often in the uppermost leaf-axils, usually branched from the base, densely woolly pubescent, flowers in clusters; male ones 6.5-30 cm, much branched, branches spreading, up to 12 cm; female ones 4-21 cm, narrowly paniculate to subracemose, branches up to 4 cm. Flowers small, slightly pubescent. Calyx 0.5-1 mm high. Petals glabrous. Filaments free from the disk. Disk annular to 6-lobed, thick. Pistil in male flowers very reduced. Infructescences densely woolly pubescent. Fruits ovoid, hardly or not oblique, 12-19 by 8-12 mm, rounded at the base, more or less obtusely acute at the apex; wall of the pyrene rather thick and hard. Cotyledons folded, 3-lobed. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 700 m altitude. Usually on hillsides and ridges with sandy soils.

The timber is used for light construction, the bole for building canoes.

Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines.

Local names
Bangka: binjau, bunjau, sekibai, sudur bajan.
Biliton: berbing pinggan.
Borneo: Batu, Basi-basi, Belanak, Buah, Kedongdong, Kramu, Kumbajau, Limat, Unggit.
Malaysia: kedondong (mata-hari).
Sumatra: Kedondong besi, kening kerak, merasam pujo, rasak babi, resting, sepah (or sepat) burung, sikatjang, tjak sibui, tjetjibui.