Canarium pseudodecumanum Hochr., Pl. Bog. Exs. (1904)
Latin for 'similar to decumanum', referring to the similarity with Canarium decumanum.
Canariopsis decumana (non Bl.) Miq.
Canarium decumanum (non Gaertn.) Engl. in DC
Tree up to 50 m by 165 cm, with large buttresses. Branchlets (0.75-)1.5-2.5 cm diam., angular,
glabrescent, leaf-scars large, terminal bud slender, 3-5 cm by 7-9 mm, densely ferrugineously woolly
pubescent; pith thick, with many small vascular strands, appressed to the thin wood-cylinder.
Stipules none. Leaves often nearly in whorls of four, (3-)4-6-jugate. Leaflets nearly sessile,
lanceolate to oblong, 5-28(-33) by (2-)3-10(-12) cm, subcoriaceous, subglabrous above, densely
minutely tomentose to sparsely stellately pubescent or nearly glabrous
beneath; base rounded to subcordate; margin minutely serrulate (to subentire); apex rather
abruptly, shortly acute-acuminate; nerves 20-25 pairs (angle variable), tortuous, more or less
distinctly arching towards the margin, prominent beneath; reticulations very dense, waffle-like
beneath. Inflorescences (female unknown) axillary, narrowly paniculate, up to 16 cm long, many
flowered, tomentose; flowers in glomerules. Bracts lanceolate to subulate. Flowers (female unknown)
7-9 mm long, pubescent. Calyx 3.5 mm high. Stamens free, glabrous. Disk cupular, 2 mm high, fleshy,
densely erectly pilose. Pistil none. Infructescences unknown; calyx with remnants of a 6-lobed,
fimbriate disk. Fruits ellipsoid, subtrigonous in cross-section, 7-8.5 by 4.5-6 cm, densely tomentose
when young, glabrescent, scurfy; pyrene smooth, with 3 angle-ribs near the apex and often
a faint median rib on each of the lids; lids 4-5 mm thick. Seeds (3-)2-1 ; all cells irregular-shaped,
sterile ones slightly or not reduced. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed forests up to 300 m altitude.
The wood is very soft. The abundant resin is used for caulking canoes. An edible oil is pressed
out of the seeds, which also are eaten.
Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Jelapat gala-gala semut, Jelmu, Lantu air, Tampang kijang.
Peninsular Malaysia: damar kangar, lameh, meoo, myior.
Sumatra: Damar likat, kadungdung, (kaju) tandikat, tondikat, tahola, toktohan.
Thailand: Han.