Canarium latistipulatum Ridl., Kew Bull. (1930)
Latin for 'wide stipules', referring to the pseudo-stipules.
Tree 5-34 m by 10-29 cm. Branchlets c. 0.5 cm thick, glabrescent; pith with a peripheral cylinder
of vascular strands appressed to the wood. Stipules subpersistent, inserted on the base of the petiole
(up to 2.5 mm high), rounded-ovate, 1-2 by 1-1.75 cm, margin minutely crenulate. Leaves 3-5-jugate.
Leaflets oblong-lanceolate, 7-17 by 4-7 cm, chartaceous, subglabrous; base broadly cuneate;
margin serrate or dentate; apex abruptly rather long and slender acute-acuminate; nerves 9-13
pairs (angle 60-70 degrees), slightly curved, distinctly arching close to the margin. Inflorescences
terminal, laxly paniculate, 15-30 cm long, glabrescent. Flowers male 1.25 cm, outside pulverulent.
Calyx 3-5 mm high. Stamens glabrous, slightly connate at the base, sometimes adnate to
the disk. Disk cupular, thick and fleshy, 1-2 mm high, glabrous, without pistil. Infructescences
terminal, paniculate, 5.5 cm, densely tomentose, with 3 fruits; calyx funnel-shaped, triangular,
7 by 11 mm. Fruits ca. 62 mm long, yellowish-green, fleshy drupes.
In undisturbed forests up to 500 m altitude. Often on hillsides and ridges,
but also along rivers.
Local names
Borneo: Dayaw, Kedongdong gargaji, Moitos hutan.