Canarium hirsutum Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4(2): 760 (1806)
(Latin for 'hairy' although the plant can be completely without hairs)
Canariopsis altissima Miq.
Canariopsis hirsuta Miq.
Canariopsis hispida Miq.
Canarium ahernianum Merr
Canarium altissumum Blume
Canarium bersamifolium G.Perkins
Canarium costulatum Elmer
Canarium ellipsoideum Merr.
Canarium emarginatum Engl. ex Koord [inval.]
Canarium greshoffii Koord.
Canarium hirsutum var. beccarii Leenh.
Canarium hirsutum var. leeuwenii Leenh.
Canarium hirsutum var. majus Hassk.
Canarium hirsutum forma minor Hochr.
Canarium hirsutum subsp. laticostulatum Leenh.
Canarium hirsutum var. scabrum Blume
Canarium hirsutum forma scabrum (Blume) Leenh.
Canarium hirsutum var. tomentellum Engl.
Canarium hispidum Blume
Canarium leeuwenii H.J.Lam
Canarium longiflorescens Elmer ex Merr. [inval.]
Canarium multijugum H.J.Lam
Canarium multipinnatum Llanos
Canarium nervosum Elmer
Canarium oxygonum Quisumb. & Merr.
Canarium palawense Lauterb.
Canarium racemosum Merr.
Canarium radlkoferi G.Perkins
Canarium riedelianum Engl.
Canarium robustum Merr.
Canarium subcordatum Ridl.
Canarium warburgianum G.Perkins
Pimela altissima Blume
Tree c. 10-25(-48) m by 20-60(-200) cm. Branchlets very stout, 1.5-3 cm thick, the tip
ferrugineously pubescent; pith large, with many small vascular strands, which are all or nearly all
appressed to the wood-cylinder (rarely all scattered). Stipules nearly always present, rather
caducous, inserted on the petiole 0.5-5 cm from its base, subulate, 4-12 mm, pubescent. Petiole
thick (up to 2 cm at the base) with sharp edges. Leaves 4-13-jugate, up to 2 m long, pubescence
variable. Leaflets subsessile except the basal ones, mostly ovate to rather narrowly lanceolate, 5-45
by 2.5-15 cm, chartaceous, rough to sparsely pilose; base rounded to cordate; margin entire;
apex gradually to rather abruptly short-acuminate; nerves 12-30 pairs (angle 60-90 degrees), straight to
slightly curved, usually not arching but for the apical ones. Inflorescences axillary, laxly paniculate
male to subracemose female, male up to 70 cm long, female up to 30 cm, male flowers usually crowded in
many flowered glomerules, male ones single or in few flowered cymules; usually densely tomentose.
Flowers 1-1.25 cm long, short-stalked. Calyx shallowly cupular, subtruncate, l.5-3.5 mm high.
Corolla much exserted, densely appressedly fulvous-tomentose throughout. Stamens free, filaments
slender, pilose, in male flowers c. 1 cm, twisted, in female flowers c. 0.5 cm. Disk in female flowers
6-lobed, 1 mm high, pilose, in male flowers cupular, c. 2 mm high, densely erect-pilose. Pistil
sometimes stalked, densely pilose; in male flowers (nearly) absent. Infructescences
recurved to pendulous, racemose, up to 15 cm long and with few fruits, to paniculate,
more than 30 cm long and with many fruits; calyx 4-16 mm diam., flat, lobes often recurved.
Fruits nearly always with long-remaining, irritating, stiff, reddish-brown hairs, ovoid,
2-6.25 by 1.75-4.5 cm, otherwise rather variable. [from Flora Malesiana]
Rather common in primary, rarely in secondary forests, in wet to dry localities, mostly
at low altitudes (rarely up to 1800 m).
SE Asia to West Pacific.
Wood moderately hard to rather soft. According to the natives of Bukidnon decoction
of roots is good against stomach trouble. Resin rather abundant and probably of some importance.
Local names
Bawean: kadudja.
Borneo: kurihang, kambayau burong, lampakau, lukangi, kieng.
English: White dhup.
Indonesia: Kanari jaki, Ki bonteng, Mede-mede, Merdongdong, Pagsahingin.
Java: dahu, ki bonteng, ki gugula, ki harepang, ki lang(g)ir, ki merang, ki tiwu, ki tuwak,
kenaren, klawer, rahu (lanang), sapi, trawel, djambejan, djaran, djunggrang, kaju, kedojo, kenaren,
keteh, suren, biru;.
Karimata: bajur.
Kangean: kanale bulu.
Malaysia: Breadlanka, Damar degun, kambayau burong, Kaunicina kaunigai, Kedondong, Si(si)kat, Sengei.
Philippines: Aduas, Bakayan, Dhup, Dulit, Hagushus.
Sumatra: Damar mata kutjing putih.