Tabernaemontana macrocarpa
Jack, Malay. Misc. 2. 7 (1822)
(Latin for 'large fruits')
Ervatamia macrocarpa (Jack) Merr.
Ervatamia plumeriaefolia (Elm.) Pichon
Neuburgia sumatrana (Miq.) Boerl.
Orchipeda sumatrana Miq.
Pagiantha macrocarpa (Jack) Mgf.
Pagiantha megacarpa (Merr.) Mgf.
Pagiantha plumeriaefolia (Elm.) Mgf.
Tabernaemontana megacarpa Merr.
Tabernaemontana plumeriaefolia (Elm.) Merr.
Voacanga plumeriaefolia Elm.
Sub-canopy tree up to 25 m tall and 50 cm dbh. Stem with white latex.
Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined. Flowers ca. 30 mm in
diameter, white-yellow-orange, with long narrow corolla tube, in few to many
flowered, hanging inflorescence. Fruits ca. 120 mm long, orange-red, fleshy,
filled with many seeds with red arils, fruits in pairs.
In undisturbed forests up to 200 m altitude. Mostly on alluvial sites, but
also present on hillsides and ridges. Usually on clayey to sandy soils, but
occasionally also on limestone. In secondary forests usually present as a
pre-disturbance remnant.
Exudate is used against tuberculosis, shingles and scabies. The wood is used
for simple construction work.
Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah,
West-, Central- and East-Kalimantan) and the Philippines.
Local names
Borneo: Bongang, Burut-burut, Kayu gegah, Kelampan, Merbadak, Mpayak, Pelir kambing,
Tara manang, Teranata.