Cerbera manghas L., Sp. Pl. 208 (1753)
Species name meaning 'Mango', reffering to the shape of the fruits
Cerbera forsteri Seem.
Cerbera lactaria Buch.-Ham. ex D. Dietrich
Cerbera linnaei Montr.
Cerbera manghas var. acutisperma Boiteau
Cerbera manghas forma luteola Boiteau
Cerbera manghas var. mugfordii (Bailey) Domin
Cerbera manghas var. samoensis Hochr.
Cerbera odollam var. mugfordii Bailey
Cebera tanghin Hook.
Cebera venenifera (Poir.) Steud.
Elcana seminuda Blanco
Odollamia manghas (L.) Raf.
Odollamia moluca Raf.
Tabernaemontana obtusifolia Lam.
Tanghinia manghas (L.) G. Don.
Tanghinia veneneflua G.Don
Tanghinia venenifera Poir.
Tree up to 25 m tall and 70 cm dbh. Stem with white latex. Stipules absent.
Leaves alternate spiraling, simple, penni-veined. Flowers ca. 25 mm in diameter,
pale green, fragrant, with narrow corolla tube, placed in many flowered
inflorescence. Fruits ca. 85 mm long, green-red-purple, floating drupe with
fibrous flesh, dispersed by water (sea).
A shrub or tree up to 25 m tall, bole up to 70 cm in diameter; leaves narrowly obovate to elliptical,
5-31 cm x 1-7(-8) cm, length-width ratio (1.7-)2.4-7, base cuneate, apex acuminate, apiculate or rounded,
with 15-40 pairs of secondary veins; inflorescence few- to many-flowered, up to 30 cm long, usually only
one flower open at a time, sepals very variable in shape and size, length-width ratio 1.2-12, corolla tube
narrowly infundibuliform, 17-55 mm long, with 5 lanate scales just below the mouth, lobes 15-50 mm long,
usually white, but locally tinged pink or yellow at the base, stamens inserted just beneath the mouth,
covered by the lanate scales; fruit consisting of 2 mericarps, ellipsoid, 5-12 cm x 3-7 cm x 3-5.5 cm,
purplish-red or pale green.
In undisturbed coastal forests up to 70 m altitude. Often near the sea shore
(even on the beach) and mangroves, also in Keranga forest. Also found on river
banks and occasionally on hillsides.
Very poisonous! The fruit is used to keep the stomach of babies warm (burn fruit, pound it,
and apply the powder to abdomen and bandages). In Thailand, the leaves and bark are used as a
laxative and emetic. In Fiji, the leaves and fruits are used as an emetic, and the root and bark
as a purgative. The scraped root is used to treat liver disorders. A decoction of the inner bark is
drunk with cold water as an abortifacient.
From Madagascar to Southern Japan and China to the West Pacific (incl. Australia).
Local names
Borneo: Buta-buta, Daun pahuk, Lambayong.
Burma (Myanmar): kalwa salat.
English: Sea-mango.
Indonesia: bintaro (Java), bintan (Manado), mangga brabu (Moluccas).
Malaysia: bentan, bintaru (Peninsular).
Philippines: baraibai (Tagalog).
Thailand: teenpet lek (central), teenpet sai (peninsular), rak khao (southeastern).
Vietnam: m[uw][ows]p s[as]t h[uw][owf]ng, m[uw][ows]p x[as]c h[uw][owf]ng.