Amalocalyx microlobus Pierre ex Spire, Contr. Apocyn. 93 (1905)

Species name meaning "with small lobes", referring to petal lobes?

Amalocalyx burmanicus Chatterjee
Amalocalyx yunnanensis Tsiang

Lianas with corky bark and copious white sap. Climbing by twining stem. Stipules absent. Young twigs and petioles densely rusty hairy. Leaves oposite, ovate to elliptic, pinnate venation, base heart-shaped. Flowers pink-purple, quite large, with free, pinkish-white calyx lobes, and petals fused into a tube with five small lobes. Fruit consiting of two, paired, follicles. Seeds with plume of hairs on top side for wind dispersal.

Lianas to 10 m length, densely rust colored villous when young, glabrous when older. Stems sometimes with corky wings. Petiole 1-3 cm; leaf blade broadly obovate or elliptic, 5-15 X 2-10.5 cm, base truncate or subauriculate to cordate; lateral veins 8 or 9 pairs. Cymes longer than leaves, 15-30-flowered; peduncle 7-14 cm; bracts and bracteoles narrowly elliptic, ca. 1 cm. Pedicel 0.5-1.5 cm. Corolla whitish outside, pink to purple inside, glabrous, tube ca. 2.2 cm; lobes ovate, shorter than tube. Disc apex 5-lobed. Ovary glabrous. Follicles 8-10 X 1.2-1.5 cm. Seeds ovate, ca. 10 x 3 mm, coma ca. 4 cm. [from Flora of China]

Sparse woods, often clinging to trees; 800-1700 m.

From Southern China and Burma into mainland Southeast Asia.

Local names
China: mao che teng.