Cyathocalyx magnifructus R.J.Wang & R.M.K.Saunders, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 152: 522 (2006)
(Latin for 'large fruits')
Trees up to 30 m tall and 40 cm diameter. Leaves alternate, ovate, 13.5-34 cm long, 3-13 cm wide, with prominent venation and
no hairs, petioles 7-17 mm long. Inflorescences with 1-2 flowers on twigs or older branches, placed almost leaf opposed. Sepals
ca. 4-10 mm long, outer petals up to 30 mm long, inner petals up to 27 mm long. Fruits consisting of one carpel, white-yellow,
21-83 mm long, 9-70.5 mm wide. 23-26 seeds per carpel, ca. 27 x 16 x 8 mm.
Endemic to east Borneo. Primary or secondary forests, over sandstone, limestone, and loam soils, on flat country, low
ridges, hill sides, along rivers; 15–100(-800) m elevation.
Eastern Borneo.
Very close to Cyathocalyx sumatrana.