Mangifera parvifolia Boerl. &
Koord., Koord.-Schum. Syst. Verz. 2 (1910)
(Latin for 'with small leaves')
Mid-canopy tree up to 34 m tall and 69 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
alternate, simple, penni-veined. Flowers ca. 3.5 mm in diameter, white, placed
in panicles. Fruits ca. 30 mm long, green-yellow-brown, fleshy drupe.
In undisturbed forests up to 1500 m altitude. Usually in mixed dipterocarp
forest on hillsides and ridges, but also found in peat swamp, freshwater swamp
and keranga forests. Usually on sandy soils, also on ultrabasic. In secondary
forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remant.
Fruit is edible.
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, West- and
Local names
Borneo: Asam rawa, Ba-ab, Raba, Raba mian, Raneha-raneha.