Mangifera caesia Jack, Fl. Ind. ed. Wall. 2 (1824)

(Latin for 'bluish')

Manga foetida II Rumph.
Mangifera caesia var. kemanga (Bl.) Kosterm.
Mangifera caesia var. verticellata (C.B. Rob.) Mukherji
Mangifera foetida (non Lour.) Bl.
Mangifera kemanga Bl.
Mangifera polycarpa Griff.
Mangifera verticellata C.B. Rob.

Mid-canopy tree up to 25 m tall and 155 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined. Flowers ca. 15 mm diameter, violet to lilac coloured, placed in  large panicles. Fruits ca. 160 mm long, green-white to pale brown drupes, with edible yellowish-white sour-sweet flesh.

In undisturbed lowland mixed dipterocarp forest, swamp forest, or in periodically inundated areas along rivers, up to 500 m altitude. In secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant but this species is also widely cultivated and naturalized in many places.

A well known fruit tree.

Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo and the Philippines.

Local names
Borneo: Asam kambawang; Balanu; Beluno; Binjai; Binjai pulut; Buluno(h); Bundo(h); Bunduh; Dendahan; Ondo; Wanji.