Buchanania sessifolia Bl., Mus. Bot. 1 (1850)

(Latin for 'sitting leaf, i.e., leaf with very short stalk')

Buchanania acuminata Turcz.
Buchanania oxyphylla Miq.

Small to medium-sized tree, to 34 m tall, 82 cm diameter. Bark grey-brown, smooth; inner bark reddish. Sapwood pale. Twigs whitish, irregularly grooved, slender, less than 1 cm thick, reddish brown hairy when young. Bud scales inconspicuous. Leaves glabrous or sparsely reddish brown hairy below; obovate or narrowly oblanceolate, rarely elliptic, very variable in size, 9-35 x 3-10 cm; base attenuate, apex cuspidate, acumen c. 1 cm long; midrib raised above, lateral veins 12-22 pairs, distinct below, faint above, with short intermediate veins, intercostal veins scalariform reticulate, visible below, faint above; petioles absent or 1.5-3 cm long, with swollen base. Flowers whitish, hairy; pedicels articulate; calyx persistent; stamen filaments papillose, gradually attenuate towards apex, apical part not whitish, anthers sagittate. Fruits obliquely subcordate, 10-13 x 8-11 mm, with persistent calyx, reddish-purple.

Undisturbed forests on dry land, sometimes along river banks, in wet places or in freshwater swamps. Mainly below 500 m altitude, rarely up to 1000 m.

The timber is used for houses although it is not very durable. The sour fruits are eaten by the Jakuns in Malaysia.

Indochina, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines and the Moluccas.

Local names
Indonesia: Bauno; Bawang bawang; Bindjai hutan; Djinga; Empedu; Kalut; Kepala tundang; Kepsia tundang; Labu; Lavo; Rengas bunkit; Terentang; Terentang chit; Terenting tchit; Tohontang.