Lepisanthes tetraphylla (Vahl) Radlk., Sitzungsber. Math. Phys. Cl. Konigl. Bayer Akad. Wiss. Munchen 8 (1878)
Latin for 'four leaves'.
Aglaia chartacea Kosterm.
Anomosanthes longifolia (Hiern) Pierre
Hemigyrosa longifolia Hiern
Lepisanthes acutissima Radlk.
Lepisanthes angustifolia Blume
Lepisanthes appendiculata (Hook.f.) Symington
Lepisanthes blumeana Koord. & Valet.
Lepisanthes cuneata Hiern
Lepisanthes eriolepis Radlk.
Lepisanthes kunstleri King
Lepisanthes longifolia Hiern
Lepisanthes macrocarpa Radlk.
Lepisanthes montana Blume
Lepisanthes schizolepis Radlk.
Lepisanthes schizolepis forma genuina Radlk.
Lepisanthes scortechinii King
Lepisanthes sessiflora Blume
Lepisanthes viridis Radlk.
Ostodes appendiculata Hook.f.
Sapindus tetraphylla Vahl
Understorey tree up to 13 m tall and 18 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
alternate, compound, leaflets penni-veined, usually densely hairy (easily
confused with Meliaceae or Burseraceae). Flowers ca. 10 mm diameter,
white-reddish, placed in panicles on the stem. Fruits ca. 34 mm diameter,
yellow-brown-pinkish, hairy drupes.
In undisturbed to slightly disturbed (open sites) mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane
forests up to 1000 m altitude. Usually on hillsides and ridges with sandy soils,
but also on limestone. In secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance
The wood is used for furniture and carving.
From Sri Lanka, India and southern China to New Guinea. In Borneo found
throughout the island.
Local names
Borneo: Jung, Tampui munyit.