Lasianthus baasianus H.Zhu, Blumea 57(1): 16 (2012)

Named after Pieter Baas, former director of the Leiden Herbarium.

Treelet, 3 m high; branchlets robust, compressed or subangular, fistulous, c. 5 mm diam, pubescent to glabrescent. Leaves: blades elliptic-oblong, 18-30 by 6-11 cm, coriaceous, glabrous above, puberulous beneath, apex cuspidate, base acute to subrounded, midrib prominent above, conspicuously prominent beneath, puberulous beneath, nerves depressed to flat above, prominent beneath, 9 pairs, ascending at an angle of 50-70 degrees, curved to the margin, puberulous beneath, nervules clear above, prominent beneath, subreticulate, puberulous beneath; petioles 1-3 cm long, puberulous. Stipules triangular, 3 by 3 mm, pubescent. Inflorescences sessile, or shortly tuberculate; bracts inconspicuous. Flowers fascicular, sessile; calyx 3-4 mm long, pubescent, limb cupular, truncate or 4 minutely teeth; corolla 6-7 mm long, upper part puberulous external surface, lobes 4, lanceolate, 3 mm long, puberulous external surface, flocculous internal surface. Drupes subglobose, 5 by 6 mm, with 5 conspicuous ridges, puberulous, crowned by persistent cupular calyx limbs; calyx limbs 2 mm long; pyrenes 5, smooth on the abaxial face, subelliptic in transverse section. [Blumea 57(1) 2012]

Forest understorey, in lowland dipterocarp forest between 100-500 m.
