Melaleuca cajuputi Powell, Pharm. Roy. Coll. Physicians London (transl.) (1809)

Named after the local Malaysian name for this species.

Melaleuca lancifolia Turcz.
Melaleuca leucadendron L.

Sub-canopy tree up to 29 m tall and 35 cm dbh. Sap strongly smelling of eucalyptus. Stipules absent. Leaves alternate, simple, parallel-veined, glabrous. Flowers ca. 10 mm diameter, white-cream, placed in leaf axils, many protruding anthers. Fruits ca. 4 mm diameter, urn-shaped capsules.

In open, savanna like vegetations and coastal swamps up to 100 m altitude. On poor soils. Often cultivated near houses and villages.

Planted for firewood, also for posts and piling. The bark can be used for caulking and is inflammable, suitable for torches. Best known for the aromatic oil distilled form it, which is medicinal and used for skin complaints and also as a vermifuge. The fruit can be mixed with cucur atap.

From southern China to the Philippines and Moluccas. In Borneo collected throughout the island.

Local names
Borneo: Gelam kapur, Gelam tembaga.