Aglaia perviridis Hiern, Fl. Brit. India. 1:556 (1875)
Latin for 'dark green'.
Aglaia canarensis Gamble
Aglaia kingiana Ridley
Aglaia maiae Bourd.
Tree up to 12(-25) m. Twigs with numerous to densely covered with small reddish brown
peltate scales which have a dark central spot and an irregular or fimbriate margin,
occasionally with stellate scales. Leaves up to 54 cm long; peduncle up to 10 cm, petiole,
rachis and petiolules with few to numerous scales like those on the twigs. Leaflets
11-13, 7.5-23 by 2-6 cm, blackish- or reddish-brown when dry, usually markedly
ovate, rounded on one side and cuneate on the other at the markedly asymmetrical base,
tapering to a caudate apex; with few to numerous scales like those on the twigs on the
midrib below and few on the rest of that surface, usually pitted and sometimes rugulose
on both surfaces; veins 12-18 on each side of the midrib, often red when dry, petiolule
up to 10(-20) mm. Inflorescence up to 35 cm long and 24 cm wide; peduncle up to
12 cm, peduncle, rachis and branches with few to numerous scales like those on the
twigs, but usually with a fimbriate margin. Flowers with few or no scales on the calyx
and pedicel. Flower 1.2-2.3 mm long, 1.2-1.8 mm wide, ellipsoid, pedicel 0.5-1
mm, pedicel and calyx without or with occasional hairs or scales. Petals 5. Staminal
tube 1-2 mm long, 0.8-1.8 mm wide, aperture 0.4-1 mm across, the margin shallowly
lobed, anthers 5, inserted near the base or about half way up the tube, included or
just protruding through the aperture. Infnictescence up to 26 cm long and 20 cm wide,
pendulous; peduncle up to 6 cm, peduncle, rachis and branches with few to numerous
scales like those on the twigs. Fruits few, up to 3 cm long and 1.7 cm wide, asymmetrically
ellipsoid with one side flat or slightly concave, yellow or brown, with a thin
brittle pericarp which is densely covered with scales like those on the twigs or paler
scales or occasionally reddish-brown stellate scales on the outside, inner surface smooth
and shiny; locule 1 , containing one seed. Seed up to 2.7 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, completely
surrounded by an aril, the aril thin, papery and dark reddish-brown when dry
and with a network of veins, the shrunken seed within completely separate from the aril
and up to 1.6 cm long and 1 cm wide. [from Flora Malesiana]
Evergreen forest, primary forest, secondary forest; on limestone; 100-1330 m altitude.
Timber hard, fruit eaten by the Sakais (local people).
From India and Southern China into Peninsular Malaysia and the Andaman Islands.
Local names
China: Bilumuzilan.