Durio kutejensis (Hassk.) Becc., Malesia 3 (1889)

From 'Kutai', an area in East Kalimantan, Borneo.

Upper canopy tree up to 41 m tall and 68 cm dbh. Stipules present, but early dropped. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, lower surface silvery-golden. Flowers ca. 66 mm in diameter, pinkish-red, with 2-lobed epicalyx, placed in few flowered cymes (rarely solitary) on twigs behind leaves. Fruits ca. 180 mm long, yellow, capsule with spines, seeds completely enclosed by yellow-orange, sweet, edible aril.

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 800 m altitude, but usually lower. Mostly on hillsides and ridges on sandy to clayey soils, also on limestone. In secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant tree, or planted.

Cultivated for its fruits, which are often sold along the road in East Kalimantan. Timber is sold as durian wood.

Java and Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West-, Central-, South- and East-Kalimantan).

Local names
Borneo: Dian bala, Durian, Durian isu, Durian kuning, Durian tinggang, Durian utan, Kawai, Lai, Layuk, Lembunyu, Luas, Paku, Pekawai, Putuk, Ruas, Sekawi.