Actinodaphne obovata (Nees) Bl., Mus. Bot. 1:342 (1851)

Latin for 'obovate', referring to the leaf shape.

Jozoste obovata Kuntze
Litsea obovata (Nees) Nees (non Hayata)
Tetradenia obovata Nees in Wallich
Tetranthera obovata Wall.

Trees up to 10-18 m tall and ca. 20 cm dbh. Leaves in 3-5-clusters at tip of branchlet, subverticillate; leaf blade shiny upper surface, obovate to obovate-oblong to elliptc-oblong, 15-50 by 5.5-22 cm, ferruginous pubescent or glabrate lower surface when old, glabrous upper surface. Racemes composed of umbels, 5-flowered. Pedicel ca. 3 mm long. Perianth segments 6, yellow, ovate. Male flowers: fertile stamens 9; filements short, villous at base. Female flowers: ovary subglobose, villous. Fruits oblong or ellipsoid, 2.5-4.5 by 1-2 cm.

Valleys, streamsides, moist mixed forests, 1000-2700 m elevation.

Seeds used for oil, the bark used medicinally to treat fractures.

From northen India, Nepal, Bhutan and South China (southeastern Yunnan and Xizang).

Local names
China: Daoluanyehuangrounan.