Dialium platysepalum Baker, Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 2: 270 (1878)

Name meaning 'with wide sepals'.

Dialium ambiguum Prain
Dialium havilandii Ridley
Dialium kingii Prain
Dialium maingayi Baker
Dialium platysepalum var. ambiguum (Prain) Ridley
Dialium platysepalum var. burong Prain
Dialium platysepalum var. papan Prain
Dialium platypetalum var. wallichii Baker in Hook, f.
Dialium triste de Wit
Dialium wallichii (Baker) Prain

Upper canopy tree up to 45 m tall and 120 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 4 mm long. Leaves alternate, compound, leaflets alternating, penni-veined, glabrous to hairy, sometimes whitish below. Flowers ca. 10 mm diameter, white-yellow, placed in branched inflorescences. Fruits ca. 21 mm diameter, brown-black, globose, hairy pods filled with seeds in pulp.

Trees, up to 45 m and 90-120 cm dbh; twigs greyish brown to rusty-brown, young parts brownish hairy. Stipules small and dropped early. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, including petiole (10-)15-24(-28) cm long; petiolules 2-4.5 mm. Leaflets (5-)7-11(-15) pairs, alternate, oblong-elliptic to -lanceolate, (5-)6-8(-15) by (1.5-)2-4(-7) cm, (sub)coriaceous, hairy, sometimes late glabrescent; apex abrubtly to long acuminate, acumen up to 2 cm; base rounded to cuneate; upper surface dark brown when dry, lower surface chocolate brown to rusty brown; nerves 10-12(-15) pairs, distinct on both surfaces, sometimes obscured below by thick, golden hairs. Panicles terminal, the lower branches usually subtended by leaves, rachis 10-15(-30) cm, usually rusty brown; pedicels (2-)2.5-4(-7) mm. Flower buds up to 7.5 mm long. Sepals 5, triangular, to 6 by 4 mm, minutely hairy inside. Stamens 2; filaments 1-2.5 mm long; anthers with both slits drawn towards the abaxial side, forming a V-channel on the abaxial side of the connective, 3-4(-5) mm long, hairy. Ovary 2-3.5 mm long; style sharply recurved at top, up to c. 3 mm long, usually sparsely hairy on lower half. Fruits subglobose to obovoid, sometimes slightly compressed, (1.5-)2-2.5(-3) cm long, sometimes up to 2 mm stipitate; pericarp firm, exocarp densely brown velvety, persistent. Seeds l(-2), roundish to reniform, 3-13 by 9 mm, testa light brown to blackish, shiny. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp and swamp forests up to 500 m altitude. On alluvial sites, but also on hillsides and ridges. On sandy to clay soils.

The fruits are edible. Timber is used and known as Keranji.

Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines.

Local nameso
Borneo: Keranji, Keranji kuning besar.
Malaysia: Keranji kuning besar, Keranji kuning kechil, Keranji bulu.
Thailand: Yee thong bueng.