Cynometra cauliflora L., Species Plantarum, 382 (1753)
Latin for 'bearing flowers on the stem'.
Cynometra acutifolia S.Vidal
Cynometra cauliflora var. elongatis Hassk.
Cynometra cauliflora var. subsessilis Hassk.
Cynomorium Rumph.
Small tree, flowering on the stem, leaving hard knots on the stem. Stipules present, but dropped early
and leaving almost no scar. Leaves alternate, with two assymeric leaflets, leaves flushing pink-purplish,
Inflorescenses small and on the tree trunk on hard knots. Flowers white-pinkish. Fruits large, kidney
shaped, green-yellow, warty.
Tree 3-15 m tall. Leaves 1-jugate. Leaflets ovate, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate,
5.5-16.5 by 1.6-5.6 cm; apex obtuse, emarginate, or slightly acuminate; nerves 7-10
(-14) pairs; petiole 2-8 mm, glabrous, sometimes pubescent; petiolules very short,
sometimes pubescent. Inflorescences cauliflorous: 4 or 5 small racemes fascicled on
hard knots on the trunk; rachis 0.5-3 cm long, glabrous; bracts 1-10 mm long, ciliate;
bracteoles 1.5 mm long, inserted 1.25-2 mm above the base of pedicels; pedicels 3-6.5
mm, laxly pubescent or glabrous. Hypanthium 1-2 mm. Sepals 2-4 mm long. Petals
3-4 mm long. Stamens (8-)10, varying in one plant; filaments rarely with 1 or 2 hairs.
Ovary rather densely hairy, with long and short hairs; stipe 0.75 mm; style 5-6 mm,
hairy up to halfway. Fruits fleshy, rather kidney-shaped, rugose, 2.7-3 by 1.8-2 by
1 cm, glabrescent. [from Flora Malesiana]
Cultivated in places at low altitude and also in gardens.
Native to Sulawesi and the Moluccas, but currently cultivated throughout tropical Asia.
Fruits can be eaten raw, but are better stewed with sugar. They are also used
as seasoned additions to food or pickled.
Local names
Indonesia: Kopi anjing, Namo-Namo, Namu-Namu, Puki.
Malaysia: Nam-nam, Puki anjing.
Thailand: Amphawa, Nang-ai, Hima.