Macaranga denticulata (Blume) M¨šll.Arg., Prodr. 15(2): 1000 (1866)

Name meaning 'toothed'.

Macaranga denticulata var. pustulata (King ex Hook.f.) Chakrab. & M.Gangop.
Macaranga denticulata var. zollingeri M¨šll. Arg.
Macaranga gmelinifolia King ex Hook.f.
Macaranga gummiflua (Miq.) M¨šll.Arg.
Macaranga henricorum Hemsl.
Macaranga perakensis Hook.f.
Macaranga pustulata King ex Hook.f.
Mappa denticulata Blume
Mappa gummiflua Miq.
Mappa truncata M¨šll.Arg.
Mappa wallichii M¨šll.Arg.
Mappa wallichii Baill.
Rottlera glauca Hassk.
Tanarius denticulatus (Blume) Kuntze
Tanarius gmelinifolius (King ex Hook.f.) Kuntze
Tanarius paniculatus Kuntze
Tanarius perakensis (Hook.f.) Kuntze
Tanarius pustulatus (King ex Hook.f.) Kuntze

Small trees 3-15 m tall. Branchlets ferruginous or yellowish brown tomentose when young; branches glabrous, sometimes glaucous. Stipules lanceolate, 7-8 mm, tomentose, caducous; petiole 5-20 cm; leaf blade deltoid-ovate or broadly ovate, 12-30 x 11-28 cm, thinly leathery or thickly papery, abaxially pubescent, densely glandular scaly, adaxially glabrescent, base obtuse or subtruncate, narrowly peltate, rarely subcordate, with 2 or 4 glands, margin repand or subentire, apex cuspidate- acuminate, palmately 7-9-veined. Male inflorescences branched, 5-10 cm, tomentose; bracts suboblong, 2-3 mm, margin 2-4-glandular, or triangular, ca. 1 mm. Male flowers 3-7 per bract; pedicel ca. 0.5 mm; calyx 2- or 3-lobed, ca. 1 mm; stamens 9-16(-21). Female inflorescence branched, 4-8 cm, tomentose; bracts oblong or ovate, leaflike, 5-7 mm, margin 2-6-glandular, or triangular. Female flower solitary; calyx cup-shaped, 2-lobed, ca. 1.5 mm; ovary 2(or 3)-locular, puberulent; styles 2(or 3), ca. 1 mm. Fruiting pedicel 3-5 mm; capsule 2-lobed, 5-6 mm in diam., densely glandular- scaly; persistent calyx 3- or 4-lobed. [from Flora of China]

Small trees. Twigs to 8 mm diam., strongly angled and ridged, densely fawn furfuraceous. Stipules elliptic, 3-6(-10) by 1-2(-3) mm, densely fawn furfuraceous, leathery, erect, very soon caducous. Leaves: petioles 5-11 cm, fairly slender, round, thinly fawn furfuraceous, kneed at top; blades deltoid (10-)15(-24) by (8-)13(-18) cm, thinly leathery, base 1 cm peltate (with several small inconspicuous glands at petiole insertion) broadly truncate or broadly slightly rounded, margin entire, apex acute, sometimes acuminate, drying often olive above, fawn below, nerves below finely furfuraceous to pubescent becoming glabrous, secondary nerves straight and parallel, 3 main nerves from the petiole insertion. Staminate inflorescences dense overlapping small panicles, to 9 by (6-)9 cm, 3(4) axis orders, axes fawn furfuraceous; branches all divaricate; peduncle 10-15 mm, 1 mm diam., ridged; lowest branches mostly (sub)opposite, others alternate, without axillary branches, ultimate branches 1 cm, thread-like; bracts tiny, inconspicuous, 1 mm, rounded, furfuraceous outside, persistent, erect; flower clusters small, 2 mm across, evenly spaced, at maturity not touching; bracteoles as bracts, shorter than clusters. Staminate flowers globose, developing in sequence, becoming 1 mm diam., sessile, c. 6 per cluster; calyx divided to base, granular glandular near apex; stamens c. 15, 4-locular. Pistillate inflorescences dense, overlapping small racemes, to 7 by 3(-5) cm, 2 axis orders, fawn furfuraceous; branches divaricate, round to slightly flattened; peduncle smooth or slightly striate, to 15 mm, lowest branches subopposite or alternate; bracts and bracteoles as staminate. Fruits 1(-3) per cluster, divaricate, strongly bilobed, broader than long, 3 by 5 mm, smooth blackish brown, wholly finely dark granular glandular; pedicel stout, to 1 cm; calyx small, persistent; styles 2, short, finely papillos, apical. Seeds round, with sarcotesta, shallowly verrucose. [from Flora Malesiana]

Low hills, slopes, forests, secondary forests; below 100-1300 m.

Decoction of the leaves has been used to cleanse wounds.

From Northern India, Nepal and Bhutan to southern China and Hainan, Indochina, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Java.

Local names
China: Zhong ping shu.