Croton argyratus Blume,
Bijdr. (1826)
Latin for 'silvery', referring to the lower leaf surfaces and twigs.
Croton argyratus var. brevipes Müll.Arg.
Croton argyratus var. gracilis Müll.Arg.
Croton argyratus var. hypoleucus Müll.Arg.
Croton avellaneus Croizat
Croton bicolor Roxb. [Illegitimate]
Croton budopensis Gagnep.
Croton maieuticus Gagnep.
Croton pilargyros Croizat
Croton tawaoensis Croizat
Croton zollingeri Miq.
Oxydectes argyrata (Blume) Kuntze
Oxydectes bicolor (Roxb.) Kuntze
Subcanopy tree up to 21 m tall and 35 cm dbh. Twigs covered with
silvery-golden hairs. Stipules very narrow, up to 5 mm long. Leaves alternate,
simple, tripli-veined, lower surface densely silvery hairy, leaf base slightly
cordate. Flowers ca. 4 mm diameter, green-white-yellow, placed in racemes with
upper flowers male and lower flowers female. Fruits ca. 12 mm, brownish-golden,
dehiscent capsules.
In undisturbed to slightly disturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 200 m
altitude. Growing on hillsides and ridges with clay to sandy soils.
The timber is locally used.
Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo
(Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West-, Central-, South- and East-Kalimantan),
Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas.
Local names
Borneo: Balek puteh, Balik angin, Banglut, Dungun darat, Katisan, Liat padang, Lohon,
Lokon, Marinkangin.