Shorea gibbosa Brandis, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 31 (1895)

Latin for 'humped'.

Hopea grisea Brandis

Emergent tree up to 58 m tall and 110 cm dbh. Stem with resin. Stipules up to ca. 3 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, glabrous. Flowers ca. 11 mm in diameter, white-red, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 16 mm long, green-red-brown, with three ca. 49 mm long wings, wind dispersed.

Very tall, buttressed tree. Twig, bud, petiole and stipule persistently shortly evenly pale rufous pubescent, leaf nervation beneath sparsely so, glabrescent. Twig c. 1 mm apically, slender, much branched, at first frequently rugulose. Stipules to 3 by 1 mm, narrow ly elliptic, acute, fugaceous. Leaves pink when opening, 5-13 by 2-6 cm, ovate, chartaceous, undulate; base broadly cuneate to obtuse; acumen to 1.5 cm long; nerves 7-9 pairs, slender but prominent beneath, at 50-65 degrees; tertiary nerves subreticulate; midrib somewhat depressed above, prominent beneath; petiole 8-12(-16) mm long, short. Panicle to 10 cm long, terminal or axillary, terete, densely persistently buff to pale rufous pubescent; singly branched, branchlets to 2 cm long, bearing to 6+ distichous flowers; bracteoles to 2 by 1 mm, oblong, obtuse, shortly pubescent, fugaceous. Bud to 5 by 3 mm, lanceolate. Sepals ovate, shortly densely pubescent on parts exposed in bud; outer 3 acute, inner 2 shortly acuminate, relatively broader, shorter, thinner at the margin. Petals cream with a pink base, narrowly oblong, strongly contorted, sericeous on parts exposed in bud. Stamens 15, in 3 unequal verticils, the longest reaching the style apex; filaments compressed and gibbous at base, tapering and filiform below the small broadly ellipsoid anthers; appendage to connective somewhat longer than anther, slender, glabrous. Ovary ovoid, densely pubescent; style columnar, pubescent in the basal 4, otherwise glabrous. Fruit pedicel to 2 mm long, slender. Calyx shortly sparsely pubescent; 3 longer lobes to 9 by 2 cm, spatulate, obtuse, c. 4 mm broad above the to 10 by 6 mm ovate saccate thickened tuberculate base; 2 shorter lobes to 6 by 0.5 cm, narrowly spatulate, acute, similar at base. Nut to 1.8 by 1.2 cm, narrowly ellipsoid, densely buff pubescent, acute. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 800 m altitude. On alluvial to dry sites, usually on clay soils. Locally common on deep fertile clay-rich soils, on undulating land and low hills.

The timber is used.

Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.

Local names in Borneo
Borneo: Awang pakit, Damar tenkuyung, Damar ketuyung, Gimma, Kenuar, kelepeh, Ladan, Lempong kuning, Lun, Lun gajah, Lun kuning, Madilan, Merakunyit, Meranti kuning, Selangan batu, Seraya kuning, Seraya kuning gajah.