Garcinia mangostana L.,
Sp. Pl. (1753)
Latin for 'mangustan', local name for this species.
Mangostana garcinia Gaertn.
Sub-canopy tree up to 22 m tall and 37 cm dbh. Stem with white to yellow
latex. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, glabrous, venation inconspicuous.
Flowers ca. 36 mm diameter, yellow-pink, placed in leaf axils. Fruits ca. 33 mm
diameter, purple, fleshy berry, seeds with white aril.
Probably on hillsides and ridges in undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up
to 200 m altitude, however, currently mostly known from cultivation. In
secondary forests probably present as a pre-disturbance remnant tree or planted.
Cultivated for its edible fruits which rank among the most delicious in the
world (personal opinion). The fruit wall is used to produce black dye and to tan
leather. The fruit wall and bark are also used in traditional medicine.
Tropics worldwide (cultivated), however, originally probably from the Sunda
region in Southeast Asia. In Borneo collected in Sabah and East-Kalimantan.
Local names
Borneo: Manggis.