Dacryodes rubiginosa H.J. Lam, Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. 42 (1932)
Latin for 'rusty brown'.
Canarium rubiginosum Benn. in Hook.f.
Mid-canopy tree up to 39 m tall and 60 cm dbh. Leaves alternate, compound,
penni-veined, petiole and leaf lower surface hairy. Flowers ca. 3 mm in
diameter, yellow, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 23 mm long, blue-purple, fleshy
Tree, 20-39 m by 25-60 cm. Branchlets 1.5 cm thick, young parts densely tomentose; pith with
some very small, scattered vascular strands. Leaves 2-4-jugate, densely pubescent. Petioles
3-8.5 cm, much flattened at the base, pith with some vascular strands. Leaflets ovate or obovate
to oblong, 4-20 by 2-7 cm, chartaceous, midrib and nerves on the undersurface densely pubescent;
base cuneate to +/- rounded; apex rather abruptly, shortly, and bluntly acuminate; nervation prominent
beneath, nerves (7-)10-13 pairs (angle c. 70 degrees), curved, not arching. Panicles (female unknown)
terminal, lax, up to 30 cm long, branched from the base, branches up to 14 cm, densely tomentose.
Flowers (female unknown) 2.5-3 mm, tomentose. Calyx 1 mm high, nearly truncate. Stamens free.
Disk cushion-shaped to cupular, radially furrowed. Rudimentary pistil very small. Infructescences
terminal, broadly paniculate, 8-17.5 cm long, stout, densely tomentose. Fruits ellipsoid, 2-2.5
by 1-1.25 cm, rounded at base and apex, style remains terminal. Cotyledons contortuplicate,
palmatifid. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed forests up to 1600 m altitude (usually much lower). Usually
growing on ridges.
Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Asam jujut, Bengaja, Benung, Huwung, Karamu barawau, Kumbajan.
Malaysia: Kedondong, suryan.