Canarium denticulatum Blume, Bijdr. (1826)

Latin for 'toothed', referring to the leaf margin.

Canarium coccineobracteatum Kurz
Canarium denticulatum subsp. fissistipulum (Miq.) Leenh.
Canarium denticulatum var. latifolia Bl.
Canarium fissistipulum Miq.
Canarium fuscum Engl. in DC
Canarium kunstleri King
Canarium laciniatum Elm.
Canarium manii King
Canarium spectabile Miq.
Canarium sylvestre (non Gaertn.) Bl.
Pimela denticulata Blume

Tree 20-30(-50) m by 40-80 cm, sometimes with low buttresses, rarely a shrub. Branchlets 4-8 mm thick, minutely tomentose, usually glabrescent; pith with many small vascular strands, arranged into 1 or 2 peripheral cylinders. Stipules persistent, inserted on the petiole, (0-)3-6 mm from the base, curved, pectinate to dendriform, the lobes laciniate to subulate, base narrow, (0.5-)1-2.5(-4) by 0.75-1.5 cm, minutely tomentose. Leaves 2-6- jugate, 30-45 cm long, glabrous. Leaflets inequilateral, ovate to lanceolate, (5-)12-20 by 2-15 cm, coriaceous, glabrous (rarely sparsely pilose); base oblique, rounded; margin entire to sparsely dentate towards the apex (rarely totally dentate); apex subabruptly, long acute-acuminate; nerves (9-)11-17(-21) pairs (angle variable, 65-85 degrees), faintly curved, gradually to abruptly distinctly arching at some distance from the margin, moderately prominent beneath. Inflorescences axillary, together pseudoterminal (rarely truly terminal), laxly and narrowly paniculate, 15-25 cm long, densely rusty tomentose, main branches up to 5 cm, male with many clustered flowers, female with 5-7 flowers. Bracts gradually passing into the stipules. Flowers densely pubescent, male 4.5 mm long, female 7 mm with a slightly concave receptacle. Calyx male 4 mm high, female 5 mm. Stamens glabrous, male adnate to the disk, female inserted on the disk. Disk glabrous, male annular, 12-lobed, 0.75 mm high, fleshy; female adnate to the receptacle, free rim 0.5 mm high. Pistil glabrous, in male flowers 0.25-0.5 mm high. Infructescences up to 20 cm long, densely tomentose, with 2-10 fruits; calyx broadly funnel-shaped, triangular, 12-14 mm diam. Fruits ellipsoid, faintly triangular in cross-section, 2.5-3 by 1.25-1.5 cm., glabrous; pyrene smooth; lids 1-1.5 mm thick, bony. Seeds (3-)1; sterile cells strongly reduced, often without lumen. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 1400 m altitude. Usually on hillsides and ridges. Also found on limestone.

The seeds are eaten.

Andaman Islands, Birma, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines.

Local names
Bangka: sudur bajan.
Borneo: Adal, Aijing, Alab-alab, Bangkulat, Damar lilin, Jelapal gunung, Indalus, Kambayan, Kayamuk, Kedongdong, Kelamoh, Kuningam, Madamsat, Lembuakat, Penanasan borong, Pinayasan, Pininasan, Selada, Talangsai.
Java: kanari alas, ki-solok, ki-tuak, maranginang, pisitan laju, kedojo, kenaren, ra(h)u (wulan), sadjeng, wuloh beras, kanari utan, kanari wana, langseb alas.
Philippines: kalisan, lancha-lancha, lankangan, ogat, kaju noach.
Simular: bangkiring bala(h) (ujul), bangkirang tiding, ganggo uding, silaora(delok), silaora pajo.
Sumatra: Andalhe, asem, asem anda, asem damar, beka, damar merasam, damar gota, madang rabung, mawah, medang, resung, tandikeh, tjintjin memal.