Campnosperma auriculatum (Blume) Hook.f., Fl. Br.
Ind. 2 (1876)
Species name meaning 'with ears' which refers to the stipule like appendages at the base of the leaf
Buchanania auriculata Bl.
Buchanania oxyrhachis Miq.
Campnosperma auriculatum var. wallichii (King) Ridl.
Campnosperma griffithii (non March) Hook.f.
Campnosperma oxyrhachis Engl.
Campnosperma wallichii King
Big trees with buttresses. Stipules absent. Leaves spirally clustered at twig tips, petiole with two
pseudo-stipules at the base, leaf blade obovate gradually narrowing near base, leaves can be quite
large, sometimes more than 70 cm long!, somtimes with emarginate leaf tip. Flowers and fruits in
large panicles near twig tips in leaf axils. Fruit a small, mango shaped reddish fleshy drupe.
Tree up to 39 m high and 80(-135)cm diameter. Buttresses absent or up to 1 m high, 1.5 m wide,
10-20 cm thick. Bark white to fawn, hoopmarked, smooth or shallowly fissured and/or
papery flaky. Young foliage pinkish brown to brownish green, mature foliage green, old leaves
withering yellow to brownish yellow. Leaves obovate to oblanceolate, 12-63 by 5-20 cm (up to
72(-120) by 18(-25) cm on vegetative twigs or sapling), pubescent on both surfaces when young,
glabrescent and sometimes almost glabrous except the basal part; base narrowly decurrent and forming
a pair of auricles (sometimes obscure on leaves of young twigs or saplings) near the insertion;
apex obtuse, sometimes emarginate; nerves 16-23(-50) pairs, veins reticulate-scalariform,
usually more distinct on the lower surface; petiole obscure. Panicles up to 50 cm long, profusely
branched, branches up to 20 cm; bracts triangular, c. 0.3 mm long; pedicels 0.3-0.6 mm. Flowers lemon
yellow. Calyx lobes triangular, 0.3-0.5 mm long. Petals broadly elliptic or ovate, 1-1.5 by
0.5-0.7 mm. Stamens 0.5-1.25 mm; staminodes in female shorter and smaller. Disk 0.5-1.25 mm diameter.
Ovary subglobose, c. 0.75 mm diameter. Drupe subglobose, 6-8 by 5-6 mm, dull reddish purple when ripe;
septum solid. [from Flora Malesiana]
Co-dominant to rare in freshwater (peat-)swamps to common or rare in mixed primary
forest on well-drained soils, also in secondary forest, from 5-1000(-1600) m elevation.
The timber is used for making canoes. Exudate from the wood is called terenlung-oil, which is harmful
to some persons.
Peninsular Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo.
Local names
Indonesia: Hamtangen; Manlanga; Tapau, anfubus, doubuho, Tapanuli, bajiit tiding silai, Simalur,
tumbus, kedawan, long, medang rimoeeng, tambiis, tarantang, tirentang, tirentang putih, tetang,
napan, serintang, Srintan, hamtangen, Sampit, manlanga, tapau.